Kimpton Muse

I myself have stayed at numerous hotels, motels, hostels, B&Bs, and AirB&Bs throughout my life. L has stayed at a few himself. The pandemic has definitely slowed our travel plans however. Since the 4th of July to the time of this writing (end of Aug 2021) we have stayed in I believe 6 different hotels. I’ve become a master of cleaning. Each has been a 3 star or above and had been rated an 8 or above by guests, but in my opinion some lacked in a lot of ways. L and I agree for the room itself, the Kimpton Muse was our favorite. I wish we had had more time to enjoy it. 

We live just a state away but due to the rising hate crimes against Asian Americans and the pandemic I was uncomfortable taking public transportation. Plus what we needed to do was all the way downtown first thing Monday morning so going in on Sunday seemed like a far better option, plus we’d be able to do more! 

We relaxed a bit Sunday morning and got on a road a bit later than I would have liked and of course got stuck in traffic because really, who doesn;t when driving into the city? The annoying thing however was that the parking garage was before the hotel and even though it was just for a night, a toddler requires quite a few items so carrying all of that was a lot. I suppose I could have driven up to the hotel, unloaded, but then that would have required a loop around the block and in New York traffic, I was not feeling up to that. So I unloaded it all on the sidewalk, allowed the guy to take my car, and then huffed it over to the hotel. 

The Kimpton Muse was on the same block and not far up, but in NY humidity it seemed a lot further than it was when carrying your own large suitcase, a camera bag, a gallon of water, a backpack, a lunch bag, and my computer bag. Luckily, L was able to roll his own suitcase along. I did without the stroller which luckily did not come back to bite me in the butt. 

Waiting for our room to be ready

When we got there it was time to check in but our room was not ready yet. I was told the manager just had to do a cleanliness check to make sure it was all set. I didn’t mind hearing that since the delta variant is spreading but I did want to get upstairs as their check in isn’t until 4. We sat in the lobby. A bellhop asked to take our bags and he loaded them up. By then our room was ready and we headed up. Our room was a king suite which was lovely. 

Loving the bed!

With the kiddo it’s nice to have a separate space. He goes to bed so early and then I’m stuck in the dark if we’re in a studio room and I can’t turn on the TV as it wakes him so I’m just stuck in the dark. But with a separate sitting room it makes things much easier. The suite was gorgeous. It was impeccably clean and well maintained. Me being the germ freak parent I am with a kid who is not old enough to get vaccinated yet I had L get on the bed while I wiped down all knobs, handles, doors, table/dresser tops and sides, lamps, lower parts of walls, headboards, chairs, etc. Basically anything he can touch. How I believe the room was cleaned. It looked clean. But what a 4 year old will touch is far different from what a typical adult will touch. I don’t see most adults trying to squeeze between the bed and the wall and climbing under the desk etc. But 4 year olds do. So better safe than sorry in my opinion. I should have bought stock in disinfecting wipes with how much they’re used while traveling! 

I loved the light fixtures to the left and right of the bed. They were gorgeous. I must say my photos do not do them justice! Unfortunately with the late check in we did not have much time at the hotel. Once I finished cleaning it was off to find something to eat quickly and then head over to The Edge for sunset.

Looking at my favorite light fixture and seeing the reflection of a lamp.

That night we got back and it was quiet in the lobby. It may have been because the hotel bar was still closed due to covid. Either way, I was happy about it as my kiddo went to bed much later than usual. I love when I cannot hear the neighbors in the other rooms. We either didn’t have anyone near us, they were quiet, the walls are nice and thick, or a combination. Either way, it made sleeping much easier. That is, as easy as sleeping in the noisy city can be. The view from the bedroom window was nothing to write home about, it faced quickly toward another building and the street traffic could be heard below if their were sirens, which in NYC there’s often sirens, so that comes with the territory. I used to live in the city for 10 years, when I first moved out I couldn’t believe how quiet it was. Now I hear a random car pass by where I live and I’m like it’s  10 pm! Stop that! It’s a marvel how one acclimates to their surroundings if given enough time. 

The Kimpton Muse is right in the heart of Times Square which can be my personal hell, and apparently people had forgotten about the pandemic and it was a sea of people. So I knew we would be taking a taxi downtown the next day to stay away from as many people as possible. We had to be downtown by 945 am and though check out wasn’t until noon I knew we wouldn’t make it back there by then. So after breakfast we packed up and I went down to find out about a luggage cart. 

The bellhop said he’d be up after he went to another room. Time was continuing to tick away so I knew we had to get going so I myself loaded up the elevator. I tried to have L hold it but luckily we ran into the maid servicing rooms and she held it while I got our bags. We met the bellhop as the doors opened in the lobby. He apologized and I told him I had to be downtown. He put our items on a cart and asked if I was taking them now or holding them. I told him to hold them then asked if I needed a taxi. He tried to get one in front and then ran down the block to Times Square and secured one for us. 

After we were done with everything downtown we made our way back to the hotel by taxi. L used the restroom in the lobby and I told them I needed my bags and my car was in the garage. They said they would get my bags ready and I walked over to get my car. 

The garage was packed. It was quittin’ time for those in the area who work the 9-5 life so I understood but I waited about 15 minutes to finally talk to a person to be told I had to pay for my car at the hotel. So I had to go back and pay, get in line again at the garage, and then finally get my car. It was a bit of a nuncance. The garage is a public garage and not owned by the hotel so I understand they just have a deal set up with them and it’s not the Kimpton’s fault for the back and forth. They were surprised when I was sent back to pay as well.  When I got my car in front of the hotel the bellhop brought the car out and I loaded the car and L and I were on my way home. 

So overall, the room itself again was a favorite of L and I this year. The frustrations I experienced I believe were out of the hotels control as far as the garage situation, and everyone checking out at the same time. Would I stay there again? Yes, on some conditions. It would have to be post pandemic where I could take the train and not deal with the garage at all. Also, that would mean either without L or L would have to be older so he didn’t require so much stuff so we could easily take it to and from the train station to the hotel.

If you want to be in the heartbeat of New York City, stay in a lush room that makes you feel like a king as L puts it, pack light, and book yourself a room at the Kimpton Muse.

The desk at the foot of the bed, the bed, and part of the bathroom.

*** This is a sponsored blog post, but all opinions are my own.***