The Harvest Moon 2022

As I drove away from my son’s school for the 3rd time that day I was tired. His school is 40 minutes from home. They decided to have a parents night and thus I had to go back a third time. The drive seems to be harder on me than it is on him each day. Then again, I do it 2x more than him a day, as I go home after I drop him off then go back to pick him up. But as a parent you do everything you can for your child. I was tired, and not looking forward to another 40 minute drive.

The school is somewhat in the “country” and so as I left I was on a darkened road with no street lights. The road was wide though and the trees were cut back. I could see the expanse of the sky above in front of me. It was cloudy, I could see no stars. But the moon, the Harvest Moon, that shown brightly. It is as if the clouds all parted to allow the Harvest Moon to have its moment and to allow it to shine brightly; and it was gorgeous. I found myself looking at it for the first time in a very, very long time. I found myself wondering what it would be like you like to actually go to the moon. I’ve had passing thoughts about it, but it suddenly struck me that people were there. People have actually stepped foot on there. That thought just took my breath away. I am in awe. In awe of the fact that humans have walked on its surface. In awe of its simple beauty.

It’s amazing to think that no matter where you are in the world, you can look up in the sky and we will all see the same exact moon. It made me feel so very small and insignificant, but also so very connected. So join me tonight in looking at the moon, and say hello.


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