A Weekend Jaunt to San Fran

I happened to see a round trip flight NYC-San Fran for $180 bucks. I jumped on it! I’ve been wanting to check out San Fran for y.e.a.r.s. And usually a one way ticket to the other coast is more than $180. It was time.

I dropped the kiddo off at school and headed for the airport. It was an easy enough drive in and security checkpoint and soon I was in the air. Due to having the kiddo and then the pandemic I hadn’t been on a place since April 2016. But then I went to FL at the end of Jan 2023 and 2 weeks later I’m my 3rd flight! Now I’m starting to feel like myself again.

The flight wasn’t memorable so I suppose that’s good.

Once I got to San Fran and started my journey from the airport it was already past 6pm San Fran time. (past 9pm my time). Since I was going to be there for just the weekend I was hoping to just stay on east coast time. Getting from the airport to where I was staying was pretty easy.

I got there, booked a tour for Muir Woods for later in the weekend and headed to my room. It was now after 10p my time. I stayed at a hostel but in a single room. It wasn’t much less than a hotel, but it came with a discounted tour of Muir Woods and I wouldn’t have to figure out how to get there on my own. Plus it was in a very walk-able area. I unpacked and then realized I had not eaten so I decided I should find some food.

I took a 20 minute walk to a place that was on my destination list and ended up at a place called Leo’s. I got a small app as I wasn’t feeling too hungry and then headed back to my room where I proceeded to sleep.

I woke up quite early in the morning but that was okay! I did a little work and then headed out. The sun was barely out and the trolley was almost empty as I made my way to Chinatown.

In my younger years I was afraid of Chinatowns. I felt like I wasn’t Asian enough. But with all of the Asian Hate that has been happening since the pandemic I found solace, safety, and community within the Chinatowns. I had a list of bakeries to check out, one of which I tried to get to when they opened at 7am. I got there at 720am and they were already sold out of what I was looking for. I didn’t realize just how biiiig San Francisco was and I realized I spent almost the entire day just trying to go to bakeries.

And I definitely couldn’t eat it all so it would need to come home with me. I went back to my room to drop off my goodies before I headed back out. If you are my age you grew up with Full House and thus when in San Francisco it’s almost more important to go to the Full House house rather than the Golden Gate Bridge (almost) so I went. The park was beautiful, and it scene was as imagined. I know the houses from the park are actually NOT the Full House house so after the park I headed to find the actual house. I had success!

On the way back I decided to pick up some Korean Street Food. I was disappointed when I got there as the people making the food were Latinx and not Korean. I gave it a go anyway and ultimately didn’t think it was great.

Then it was time for bed. More to come!


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