Author: Meg

  • Fora Advisor

    Now a Fora Advisor. If you need any help with your travel bookings shoot me a message! Currently NOT booking airfare.

  • A Weekend Jaunt to San Fran

    I happened to see a round trip flight NYC-San Fran for $180 bucks. I jumped on it! I’ve been wanting to check out San Fran for y.e.a.r.s. And usually a one way ticket to the other coast is more than $180. It was time. I dropped the kiddo off at school and headed for the…

  • A First Trip to Disney

    Disney. What to say about Disney. Its tiring. Its hectic. But none of it was as bad as I thought it would be. I actually think I would be okay with going again… sometime. Though there’s other places to see for that price tag so maybe not. As we left our 4th park on our…

  • Toronto and Things

    Some of you may notice, some of you may not but I enjoy starting every New Year someplace I’ve never been before. So last year it was my year with the tiny human and he was afraid of flying and since I knew we had Disney coming up at the end of that year and…

  • Looking Back on 2023

    December 31, 2023 How is it already December 31st of 2023? I feel like just yesterday I was in Toronto at the pool with the tiny human before ordering room service and getting surf and turf steak and shrimp and then watching JHope on Rockin’ Eve almost crying about not being there.  Now here it is…

  • Back to the Motherland

    Much of my life I didn’t want to go back to Korea. I didn’t want to admit that you’re right I wasn’t born here. I didn’t want to go back to a place that didn’t want me anyway. I didn’t want to open the Pandora’s box of my mind and have everything I was scared…

  • I’m a Barbie Girl

    in a Barbie World. Life is plastic it’s fun— oh heeeey. So my bestfriend from my time in the city who I didn’t see for a good 5 years cause, Mama-ing and infant, then Covid, I’ve now seen 3 times in the last 8 months which is pretty darn good considering I no longer live…

  • Time to Getaway… again

    A couple years back I wrote a pretty scathing review of Getaway. They reached out and did their best to try to make things right. I was unsure if I would actually ever take them up on trying them again. However I got an email about 25% off, the kiddo was with his father for…

  • Min Yoongi. Suga. Agust D. D-Day Tour Show #1

    Min Yoongi. Suga. Agust D. D-Day Tour Show #1

    On Wednesday morning I woke at 630 am like any other weekday morning. I got the kiddo ready for school per usual and dropped him off at 8:12 am. Then my day became entirely different. I drove out to Belmont, NY, I found the USB Arena parking garage, I picked a spot right at the…

  • Boston

    In an earlier post I talked about a friend of mine from high school who I visited up in Boston during my freshman year of college. This friend of mine never moved back from Boston. Throughout the years whenever I’d be up in Boston I would get together with him. Whether I was in town…