Tag: vacation

  • Boston

    In an earlier post I talked about a friend of mine from high school who I visited up in Boston during my freshman year of college. This friend of mine never moved back from Boston. Throughout the years whenever I’d be up in Boston I would get together with him. Whether I was in town…

  • The Harvest Moon 2022

    As I drove away from my son’s school for the 3rd time that day I was tired. His school is 40 minutes from home. They decided to have a parents night and thus I had to go back a third time. The drive seems to be harder on me than it is on him each…

  • Melancholy

    I had such bitter sweet feelings as I drove home from Boston. At that time it had been just over a few days since the 7 year anniversary of when my friend Andy passed away. He and I never actually hung out in Boston together. I knew him from our time in New York. I…

  • Hôtel Escad (Alt+) Quartier DIX30

    Hôtel Escad (Alt+) Quartier DIX30 located in the suburbs of Montreal in the city of Brossard was beautiful. They have been working on a metro line that will take you from Brossard to Montreal. There have been delays which I assume are somewhat caused by covid and so at the time of this writing (Sept…

  • Kimpton Muse

    I myself have stayed at numerous hotels, motels, hostels, B&Bs, and AirB&Bs throughout my life. L has stayed at a few himself. The pandemic has definitely slowed our travel plans however. Since the 4th of July to the time of this writing

  • Neptune Statue Monterosso al Mare

    I went to Cinque Terre in Italy for the first time. in 2015 I loved it so much that 4 months later I went back. One of the most unique things there was the Neptune Statue, the Sea God (also called Il Gigante). You can find the Neptune Statue in Monterosso al Mare. Monterosso al Mare is the only…

  • Paella – Barcelona, Spain

    Paella is regarded as the national dish of Spain and is THE dish to get while in Valencia. I have not had the chance to go to Valencia yet, but I have spent quite a bit of time in Barcelona. On my last trip, I had 5 nights in Barcelona and had paella every single…

  • I fell in love in Iceland

    I fell in love in Iceland.  Not in the way I fell in love in Italy.  In Italy, from the moment I arrived I felt like I had come home.  And with home, you love it, but there are things you also hate about it.  It’s crazy and chaotic, but you really wouldn’t have it…

  • Farmington, CT Polo Grounds

    A little background on me. I’ve been saying for most of my adult life that Prince Harry was my backup plan. It was all a joke until he married Meghan Markle, a woman with my first name, also Catholic, also not from England, also not fully white, and who happened to also be an actor…